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Mugello set

This new color chart, inspired by Mugello, one of the wildest territories in Tuscany, where Dario Biagioni was born and still lives, is the result of the confluence of different needs. First of all, that of providing patina enthusiasts with a series of tempera colors, with captivating nuances, which can be used directly with the basic technique taught by Biagioni also in his tutorials on YouTube and, since nothing happens by chance, it is certainly also the fruit of the historical moment in which it comes to light.

A historical moment that is forcing us to live more in our homes, isolated and therefore to stay in contact with our loved ones but also with ourselves, with our deepest intimacy.

As the globalized world is perhaps retracing its steps a bit, rediscovering the importance of not forgetting one's roots, of seeking rhythms of life and values more in tune with the human being and nature, so the single individual is putting questioning or at least rethinking his own daily routine with a greater critical spirit, perhaps paying more attention to what he really desires, to the talents and passions he hasn't listened to enough, overwhelmed by the frenetic pace of everyday life.

And when man comes into contact with himself, the encounter with his past is inevitable. Above all, in the creative process, it is inevitable to re-engage in the world of childhood and bring back memories of the moment in which the infinitely small is increased by the power of imagination, discovery and mystery.

These colors, ancient and modern at the same time, therefore express that inexhaustible baggage of pure, immediate and indelible stimuli that nature and simple country life have imprinted in the mind and heart of a child, building the poetic sensitivity of the adult artist of today and that each of us can reuse to create our own creative world.

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